Time is ticking if you want to start a podcast in 2023!⏰
Your business should have a podcast in 2024, and let me tell you why. Having a podcast has so many benefits, and if you do not have a podcast, you are really missing out.
By having a podcast, you will benefit from these things:
You will never run out of content.
You will be able to reach your target audience in a more tailored and personal way.
You will be able to tell your ideal audience about your offers in deeper ways.
You will be able to network with more people (this one is HUGE)
Let me tell you a story about the value of podcasting.
Recently, I wanted to automate more of my business proposals and invoices so I decided to bite the bullet and switch my processes over to Dubsado. If you have used Dubsado, you know how confusing the set-up process is.
But then, I remembered I interviewed a Dubsado expert on my podcast. I messaged her to ask about her rates, and she said that she was actually interested in starting a podcast and was curious if we could trade an hour of each others time. I said yes, of course!
This relationship that I formed from my podcast saved me $2k+. This is the value of building a network through podcasting!
If you want to start a podcast for your business or brand - now is the time to reach out to me! My signature podcast launch program helps brands start podcasts in 4 weeks, or less! I am getting so many messages about wanting to start a podcast before the end of the year, so if you are wanting to take advantage of this offer reach out ASAP!
I will be hosting a webinar in November about how to leverage a podcast to grow your business. If you want to be the first to know about this, send me a message for sign up for my newsletter on my website: https://www.espressopodcastproduction.com/
Watch my podcast episode on this topic here to hear more details about starting a podcast in 2024.
Have questions? Email me at hello@espressopodcastproduction.com